Defining a New Export Step

Export steps are used to export data from the Schema to an existing end-user's system. The Export step is flexible and allows not only to export new data but also to add new data to the existing one; or perform other actions based on pre-defined criteria. Follow the instructions in the section To Create a New Step and then continue below.


Warning: Associate the fields from the source application to specific fields in the Schema


The Export Schema to Target page has the following fields:

A New Export Step Page

The first six fields are described in the steps introduction. The following table describes the remaining fields.

Field/Button Description Comment


Select the target database. Press Open for your reference, or if modifications or any changes are required in the pre-defined connection.

Make sure that the Connection you select can be used as a data target. See Managing Connections .

Entity Name

An entity in the target system (a table or an entity in an ERP or CRM system).

The list of available entity names appears only after selecting the target Connection, because it depends on the target application.


Select one of the available options: 

If you selected Update/Delete or Upsert two additional fields will be added to the page: Schema Column and Source Column.

These fields associate a specific field in the source system to a specific field in the Schema.  The rows from the source system will Update/Delete or Upsert rows in the Schema based on this association.


The available options are:

Insert: Insert new data into the target entity.

Update: Update data already in the target.

Delete: Delete data from the entity in the target system.

Upsert: Depending on the key- either update or insert data.

Schema Column

Select the Schema Column to be associated with the selected Source Column.

The field content only appears after selecting the Update, Delete or Upsert action.

Source Column

The target application field that matches the selected Schema Column.

The field content only appears after selecting the Connection.

The Export to Target Step toolbar, includes a button that is unique to this feature:

Automap Schema columns to match columns in query.

The columns from the query result will be automatically mapped to the schema columns with the same name.

To Define a New Export Step:

Follow steps 1-9 in the introduction to this section.

  1. Select a Connection from the list. This is the target application (that will receive the data).

Warning: If you can't find the necessary Connection in the list, go to your Connection and make sure the Is Active and Is Source checkbox is enabled.

  1. Select an Action from the list.
  • Insert: Follow steps 12 and 13 and then skip to step 16
  • Update/Delete/Upsert: Continue and complete all the steps.
  1. In the Query box, enter a relevant query that will select the fields you wish to import (options: insert/delete/update). 
  2. Click Test Query to test the query and check if it returns the required data (optional).
  3. Select a Schema Column from the list.
  4. Select a Source Column from the list.
  5. Click Save & Close to close the export step and end the session, or click Save & New to save and close the current export step and begin a new session.
  6. Click the Map icon to automatically map the Schema columns to columns in the target entity with the same name.

You have generated a new Export Step and you have associated the schema columns with the target columns.

Also, the user can manually manipulate the schema altering the current mapping.